Sunday, 7 October 2012

The tests begin...

The first set of tests were routine bloods. The only thing that showed up was high cholesterol, especially my triglycerides, which are the bad ones. These were at +3 and I needed to reduce my intake of saturated fat to try and reduce this level or the doctor said they would need to consider putting me on statins. As I prefer not to take unnecessary medication, and adjustment to my diet should make a significant impact on the +3 and I agreed with the doctor to see what I could do in 3 months.

On my return home I googled low saturated fat diet and came across this diet sheet

Looking at this I could see why my cholesterol was high, the majority of my diet was made up from column 3, enhanced with red meat. It was going to take major adjustment to my diet but I was keen to start. We took the list and set off to the supermarket to start studying labels. The daily recommended level of saturated fat is 20gm per day, I was aiming to restrict mine to 10 or below where possible.

All my other blood tests were normal. There was still no possible explanation for the accident other than I had become distracted!

My doctor asked if they'd done a CT scan when I went to hospital. When I answered in the negative she decided it would be wise to have one done, just to be sure, although she was fairly confident it would be clear. She filled in the relevant form and I went down to the appointment clerk to get my date & time sorted for seeing the consultant at the hospital prior to my scan.

The following week I sat infront of the consultant going through the same story again, answering the same questions again, having the same reflex tests again. The consultant was confident there was nothing wrong but agreed with my doctor, he would refer me for a CT scan to be sure. 

As a final comment he said he would also refer me for an ECG while we were at it, to cover all bases. That comment would lead to so much more than anyone expected. 

My CT scan day can be seen here:

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