Monday, 15 October 2012

Day 10 - Tears Today, Again

I got very tearful again today, today they were tears of frustration. Frustration at not being able to do simple tasks. Frustration at having to ask for help all the time.

People keep reminding me it's less than 2 weeks since my procedure and that I shouldn't be so hard on myself but it's so difficult to rest and let others do things for me when I don't feel ill.

I have to focus on the things I am able to do each day, a little step at a time.

The swelling is going down and the scar is looking a little less angry each day. I am still not supposed to let soap get into it as it is still healing, and at one end there is a bit that isn't healing as well as the rest. It is puckered and one of the knots is not falling off and the skin is growing around it. It's not infected and just looks a little ugly. I use Savlon antisceptic spray on it every morning and evening to try and keep it clear of infection and so far it's working.

Now the swelling has gone down a lot I can feel the unit quite a lot. My muscle is still very sore and any movement across my body pushes the unit into the muscle or the collar bone, so simple things like scratching an itch on my right arm is a struggle. 

I am quite adept at getting dressed myself but still need help getting undressed from Neil, once I have my right arm out of my top I can manage the rest, but I have to plan things for when Neil is around.

Slow progress, but at least it is progress.

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