Friday, 14 December 2012

Moving On.

This week saw another step forward in my getting my health back on track, finally I have my cholesterol levels back to normal and I am no longer under threat from my doctor of being prescribed statins.

Read more here:

It seems logical to look after my heart as much as possible in light of this year and I will continue to have regular checks on my cholesterol levels to ensure I don't let things slide.

My target for 2013 is to lose another stone and drop at least one more dress size. 

In the meantime, there is little to update this blog with regularly, so I will come back as and when there is any news and hope that anyone facing the prospect of having a pacemaker implant that comes across my blog will find it a useful resource. I know when I first found out about my AV block and the upcoming tests and implant I was desperate for information. I have tried to share some of my experiences on here to help others who find themselves in the same position that I found myself 3 months ago.

The only question I have now is, can I swing a golf club and will my game improve following the implant. Due to winter weather, I feel it will be some months before I have an answer to that question.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Answers to my questions.

12 weeks on and I have my answers.

I can do any form of exercise I was doing before my operation.

I can use iPads and tablets, and even use my mobile phone to my left ear, just not rest it on the pacemaker area. The main issue is not putting my mobile in a jacket or shirt pocket on the same side as my pacemaker.

I can do gardening as before, I can lift, carry, push & dig - yes, you guessed it, just as I did before my operation.

The pains I get in the skin over my pacemaker is just 'part of the healing process' 

and finally, can I use Bio-Oil on the scar...?

Well, actually, I forgot to ask but, on the basis of all other answers, that I can do everything as I could before my implant, I'm going to take it that I can.

My consultant is happy with everything, has replied to the DVLA request for information so that they can make a decision on whether I am ok to continue driving, which according to my consultant, isn't a problem and he hasn't scheduled any further appointments with him. I will continue with my regular check-ups and they will forward the results to him, and providing there are no concerns, the next time I'll see my consultant will be when it's time to change the pacemaker unit. May be by that time they'll be able to fit re-chargeable ones.

So, has he made it to my Christmas card list - probably. After all, thanks to him I don't have to worry about my health as the AV Block gets worse.

Life as normal again? Not quite, I'm now a lot more aware of my health and will try to look after it a little better, watch my food quality, do a bit of exercise, just be a little more aware of things. It's all been a bit if a scare and I'm grateful it's been sorted so simply.